AIDA è leader mondiale nella progettazione, produzione, vendita, assistenza e supporto, rinnovo e modernizzazione di presse e apparecchiature di automazione per lo stampaggio e la deformazione dei metalli.
Le presse servo e meccaniche prodotte da AIDA hanno capacità da 30 a 4.000 tonnellate, da 1 a 1.500 colpi al minuto, gap frame e straightside, ad alta velocità a freddo, transfer e attrezzature per stampi progressivi, movimentazione materiali e alimentazione coil; AIDA ingegnerizza, produce e fornisce la più ampia gamma di linee complete per la deformazione dei metalli.
Con una rete mondiale di sedi di vendita e assistenza in 40 città in 20 paesi, installazioni di presse che superano le 80.000 unità in oltre 60 paesi in tutto il mondo, producendo una gamma di prodotti per settori come automobilistico, elettrodomestico, elettronico ed elettrico, AIDA è il fornitore globale di soluzioni complete per la deformazione dei metalli.


  • 1917: AIDA Ironworks is founded in Honjo, Tokyo, by the late Mr. Yokei Aida.
  • 1923: The factory is totally destroyed by the Great Kanto Earthquake but rebuilt immediately.
  • 1933: Introduced the first Japanese knuckle-joint press.
  • 1937: Incorporated as a limited company with capital of 200,000 yen.
  • 1945: The factory is totally destroyed in an air raid, then rebuilt and operations are restarted two months later.
  • 1951: Introduced the first Japanese crown capping press.
  • 1956: Introduced the first 200-ton high-speed automatic press.
  • 1959: New factory constructed in Sagamihara City in Kanagawa Prefecture (current headquarters).
  • 1960: Introduced the first Japanese transfer press.
  • 1962: Listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, 2nd Section.
  • 1964: Headquarters and Kameido factory are moved and integrated into the Sagamihara facility.
  • 1967: Completed the development of a 2,500-ton transfer press (among the world’s largest capacity presses at the time).
  • 1968: Introduced “Autohand”, the first Japanese industrial robot.
  • 1970: Company name is changed to AIDA ENGINEERING, LTD.
  • 1971: Promoted to the 1st Section of the Tokyo and Osaka Stock Exchange.
  • 1972: Established a subsidiary in the United States.
  • 1974: Tsukui Factory is constructed in Sagamihara City.
  • 1977: Introduced 3-D Motion Mark IV Transfer Press stamping center system.
  • 1985: Nominated as a marginable stock at the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Established a subsidiary in Canada.
  • 1989: Established a subsidiary in Singapore.
  • 1992: ACCESS, LTD. is established in Ishikawa Prefecture.
    AIDA BUSINESS CORP. is established in Sagamihara City.
  • 1993: Established a subsidiary in Hong Kong.
  • 1995: Manufacturing bases are established in the US (AIDA-America) and Malaysia (AIDA Engineering (M)).
    A new facility is constructed in Hakusan City in Ishikawa Prefecture.
  • 1997: Established a subsidiary in Thailand.
  • 2001: Received ISO 14001 certification.
  • 2002: Established subsidiaries in China(Shanghai) and France.
    Introduced the world first direct- drive servo press (now called the Direct Servo Former)
  • 2003: A manufacturing base is established in China (Shanghai).
    Completed the development of the Precision Forming Press UL Series.
  • 2004: Established a subsidiary in Germany(Kamen).
    Absorbed an Italian company (Manzoni & Rovetta) and established a manufacturing base.
  • 2005: Established subsidiaries in Brazil and Indonesia.
  • 2007: A new plant is constructed on land adjacent to the headquarters.
    Established a subsidiary in India.
  • 2008: Announced a newly developed 2,300-ton large servo press (among the world’s largest capacity presses).
  • 2009: Established a subsidiary in Mexico.
    Completed the development of AIDA Ultimate Precision Forming Press UL-D Series.
  • 2010: Launched commercial marketing of large-capacity servo motors for servo presses developed and manufactured by AIDA.
    Transferred Chinese production base to Nantong City and expanded base.
  • 2011: Established subsidiaries in Vietnam and Morocco.
  • 2012: Established a subsidiary in Russia.
  • 2013: Completed the development of new servo press “DSF-C1-A Series”.
    Segregation of production functions from AIDA ENGINEERING (M) SDN. BHD to AIDA MANUFACTURING (ASIA) SDN. BHD.
  • 2015: Established a subsidiary in the Philippines.
    Completed the development of a 2,700-ton progressive servo press (among the world’s largest capacity presses).
  • 2017: Made Reliance Electric Limited and its subsidiary, RAS Co., Ltd., into subsidiaries of AIDA ENGINEERING,LTD.